The Tiki Room
Join Elizabeth and Sarah while they talk about their Disney adventures including, Walt Disney World, Disney Cruise Line and more. When it comes to a Disney destination, they know how to have a magical time without all the stress. You'll get insider tips, tricks and reviews. Get the scoop on the latest ways to travel and enjoy all things Disney.
The Tiki Room
Universal Studios Uncovered: Tips, Tricks, and Theme Park Comparisons
Are you ready to embark on an adventure to Universal Studios with us? We recently took a trip to this incredible theme park and couldn't wait to share our experiences with you. From staying at the Loews Royal Pacific and Hard Rock Hotel to the unforgettable world of Harry Potter, we've got all the details and tips for a magical time.
We also dive into a comparison between Disney and Universal's approaches to guest experiences, including the convenience of Express Passes and the nostalgia of their amusement parks. Join us as we analyze the cost of Express Passes and discuss the differences between Disney's Lightning Lane and Genie Plus Fast Pass options. Discover why we found Universal Studios' Express Pass system to be much more convenient and user-friendly than Disney's options.
Lastly, we reflect on our overall experience at Universal Studios and how it compared to our beloved Disney parks. From thrilling rides to well-designed worlds like Harry Potter and Dr. Seuss, Universal Studios offers a unique and enjoyable experience for the whole family. Tune in to hear our thoughts and future plans for exploring more of what Universal Studios has to offer.
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Hello, you're listening to the Tiki Room podcast. Today we will be talking about Universal Studios. Thanks for listening.
Speaker 2:Please subscribe and leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Enjoy the show. All right, welcome back. Sorry, we're a couple weeks behind, but we're here. We're here. We're just summering around you all. We are summering around.
Speaker 3:I mean Elizabeth has been living my summer dream.
Speaker 2:Has been living her summer dream on boats, on.
Speaker 3:Going to Dude Perfect. Yes, like decided an hour before we were leaving that we were going.
Speaker 2:That's the ultimate summer.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like summer scenario where you're like we don't have any plans.
Speaker 3:We don't have anything.
Speaker 2:Let's do something tonight.
Speaker 3:I did like.
Speaker 2:Like drive an hour and a half away to go see Dude Perfect, let's go.
Speaker 3:I did. We're in the month of June. The kids had two. They had three weeks of camp, Okay, And that was it. And then they I think that Reed has like golf camp in July, but other than that I'm like, no, we're going to. If we want to wake up and go somewhere, we're going to go, But also it's rained the entire month of June. Yeah. So there went my like Go to the beach day. Yes. But one of the things, as some of you have heard, is we went to Universal.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, we've been waiting for this. We haven't talked about this. I went to Universal last month. For school For school. I went on a field trip with my daughter for their fifth grade, like end of the year thing, and we went for two days And then Elizabeth went two weeks ago. We have not talked about it, have not? We will, we refuse. We have been together for the past few days. We've seen each other like three or four days in a row. We will not talk about it.
Speaker 3:I will not talk about it. We've waited for you all. I was a little bit like a rock draper wanted to talk about it And I told him no, i was never talking to him, ever again. So I am going to start from the beginning.
Speaker 2:Okay, yes, i'm like, so tell us your experience of Universal Studios.
Speaker 3:Okay. So Lauren to be listened to the podcast and she was like Elizabeth, really it's going to be okay. I was like to be I know, i know, i know it's going to be okay And she's like I promise it's not going to be like Disney, but I also promise it's going to be fun. So we stayed at the hard rock. Okay.
Speaker 3:So, as many of you know, if you stay at certain properties you get the fast pass thing or whatever the heck it's called. But the hard rock was the closest to the walking distance. So I don't know if Lauren to be did that so that I had zero room to complain or not, but she did it. She picked that accordingly. So we got there at I don't know like three or four o'clock in the afternoon and the check-in process is different than a Disney resort. You cannot check in on your phone. No, you have to do it. Old school, i would have my line and my kids were literally like what is this? Yep.
Speaker 2:What do you mean? you have to wait in line.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, so that was, and you you know. We checked in and they were very accommodating. We asked if we could have a room next, an adjoining room, and they were like, oh yep, we had you here, we're going to move you here, don't worry about it, but the check-in process probably took 45 minutes. Yes, it took a long time, had to go over to another line to get my express pass, and so we were able to go into our room. The rooms were nice. I mean, they were great. We had the two queen beds. They brought in a twin for like a rollaway bed for Reed. They had a sink on the outside And then in the where the shower and the toilet were, there was another little sink in there. So that was very nice, very accommodating.
Speaker 3:We were literally in the room for less than 12 hours, so it was fine. So we went and ate dinner at this little restaurant at the hotel And then the kids did the pool for the rest of the day, which was so fun. And then we came back to the hotel room. The kids, lauren and I, were like are the kids just going to all sleep in one room And her and I are going to sleep in another room?
Speaker 2:Because they were watching what is it?
Speaker 3:American Ninja Warrior.
Speaker 2:Yes, and.
Speaker 3:Laura, ann and Lily and we're in one bed, emma was in another and Reed was in the twin bed And Lauren and I were like are we about to live every dream we ever thought we would live? And then, of course, we didn't, because I think I don't remember if it was Emma or Reed, but one of them were like no, I want to be in my room with my mom. So thanks for ruining, But Laura, Ann and Lily, and they had a slumber party in the bed.
Speaker 2:They lived their life.
Speaker 3:OK, so this is where we're going to get into the nitty gritty. So she told me we were going to be waking up early. Yep, and I told the kids we were going to be waking up early. And we woke up early, like how early, 6 AM.
Speaker 2:OK, that's early.
Speaker 3:I was like I literally looked at Lauren and I think I said I think I used a hand gesture that was inappropriate to her I was not very happy about that And because for Disney, you wake up Whenever Well, whenever.
Speaker 2:But also if you want to get a lightning lane or your first thing for Genie Plus, yes, You can stay in bed, but you have to wake up at like 6 50. So you can get on there at 7 AM, but you don't have to wake up. Were you leaving at 6?
Speaker 3:No, OK, that's what I OK go.
Speaker 3:So Lauren actually had the sound of a sign. I'm not going to lie to you, she was very good at this. So we woke up, we got everybody situated and then she called. We valed our car. She called valet. We went and put all of our stuff in the car, got the stroller out, which was because she was like we're bringing the stroller. I was like done, i will say, because everything is not as convenient in the park as it is at Disney, we would throw our stuff. Ooh, so sorry, i just took the microphone like a crazy man. We would put our stuff in there because you cannot bring it in on the rides. So we brought the stroller. All right, so we put our stuff in valet, grabbed the stroller, came back, grabbed coffees for her and I. The kids were eating like granola bars and we were leaving the hotel to walk to Universal or whatever the gates. We were leaving the hotel before 7 AM, wow. So doors open for people staying on property.
Speaker 3:The gates open at 8 AM. I'm doing quotes. No one can see this, but Sarah, they open at 8 AM.
Speaker 1:8 AM quote, unquote So they definitely opened at 7.45. OK, that's Disney, That's what.
Speaker 2:Disney does that too.
Speaker 3:We were probably. They have, let's say, 10 gates In the line we were in. We were probably 8th or 9th in line. So they open the gates and we are running to Hagrid's Or Hagward's, Hagrid's, Hagrid's. There it is.
Speaker 2:Harold's. We're running to Harold's Universal Islands of Adventure side.
Speaker 3:Yes, we're on Islands of Adventure side Because Hagrid's does not have Express Pass.
Speaker 2:Right, it's the only ride at Universal Studios who does not use the Express Pass. So if you have an Express Pass, you can't use it for Hagrid's, and it just so happens to be the most popular ride, the most popular And I don't know.
Speaker 3:It's almost like a in my mind. I'm like that is. I feel like one out of Disney's playbook, like let's create this. It really is a great ride, right? I'm pretty sure that Disney did the same thing with all of their big rides, Right? Also, i'm watching my son play outside. This is amazing, anyway. So we go there. Lauren is like Lauren to Universal is like Sarah to Disney. She had it. Like I said, she had it down to a science. She knew what to do.
Speaker 3:And she's like you're taking the kids here, I'm taking the Schroller here. Throw everything in the Schroller, and I will meet you there, gosh. I love a woman with a plan, i don't know what we're doing.
Speaker 3:Lilian's, like Miss Brannick, turn to the left. Yes, oh my god. So Lauren somehow finds a sin line And we're just walking. I'm literally like this is so aggressive. I feel like this is the mad rush. This is what Moses felt like getting these people out, we are going, so we get there, and I think that from by the time we entered the line, which was significantly far back to When we got on the ride maybe 10 minutes- Oh, wow that's amazing minutes, i mean, and we are, they are getting you in.
Speaker 3:I mean, we're walking those Mm-hmm, you know if 10 minutes. So they get us on the ride and we are read and I are in the very back, the lat, the end, and I'm like on the ride. This guy, like I know what the end, i know what the back of the roller coaster means right, it doesn't matter what roller coaster where you are, yeah it's the most intense. It reads like let's go and.
Speaker 3:I'm like let's, why don't you go? so It's Laura and and Emma. No, laura and and Lillian, emma, lauren and then me and read, and it is a phenomenal ride. I'm not gonna give any. No, lauren told me nothing, and anytime Lillian and Emma tried to tell me something, lauren was like don't say a word. So Nobody said a word to me. I knew nothing Except for that. It was maybe like Tron. That's what.
Speaker 3:Emma said It's maybe like Tron, and I'm like you've never done Tron, so you're giving me anxiety. Yeah right now. So we go, and it is a phenomenal ride. Long the ride is so long. Yes, you, where Disney messes up and where Islands of Adventure slash Universal Studios has, it is the length of the rides. Yes they have it down, pat I mean I think that it was like a three-minute ride.
Speaker 2:It was. It's long. I mean it feels very long. You think it's over and it's not over. It's not over to be clear. Yep.
Speaker 3:I learned that very fast. Yes, it was not over when I thought it was yeah and I screamed bloody murder the whole time get me off of the thing. Yes, and then we got off and read was like that was the coolest thing ever and I was like agreed.
Speaker 3:Yes but also I'm glad that they didn't tell me. I'm glad, right. So we did that ride. By the time we got off, the wait time for that ride was 95 minutes. Yes, so that was an experience, right, i that. So then we went straight from there to this breakfast place, across it, literally across the walkway. We went and got breakfast and then we went on this one Harry Potter ride, where you it? you got on it, like you do?
Speaker 2:Is it in the bank or in the castle? the castle, that ride is Terrifying, awful, horrible That's. I could not get off of it fast enough.
Speaker 3:I literally was like, if I close my eyes, what will happen?
Speaker 2:I'm gonna throw up either way either way, i'm out.
Speaker 3:So you get on it like you do. You get. You get on it like you do. Haunted mansion right, right, you've got the conveyor belt thing and. Then you're sitting, they have these boxes and it's kind of like Soaring, but it's four deep. Mm-hmm.
Speaker 3:So you've got four people in each of your little cars and you're in your individual little cage. Mm-hmm and Harry Potter is teaching you how to fly and you're flying. Mm-hmm and I don't I. That's all I gotta say about that. I mean so a long run, also a very long too long, too long.
Speaker 2:I was like this is I'm gonna die, i'm gonna. This is where it all ends for me.
Speaker 3:I'm pretty sure that after that read was like do not put me on another ride. I trust no one and I didn't disagree with him.
Speaker 2:I know. Well, let me tell you, our Harry Potter experience was Was great. We waited until we had two days at the park, mm-hmm, you know, we had a lot of people with us. So when we were there, there were a bunch of people, we had a field trip, fifth graders, a lot of parents, just as many parents as there were kids. So it wasn't like, you know, the ratio wasn't five to one or anything, it was definitely one to one. So we go there. We do most of universal first, like the front part of the park on the universal side.
Speaker 2:You're saying universal studios, yes, universal studios. We did that side first and then we went to like Harry Potter World Kind of at the end of the day, and we did the gringots, that bank kind of ride, did you guys?
Speaker 3:do that? No, we only did the castle ride and Hagrid's, hagrid's.
Speaker 2:Okay the gringots is that's a really cool ride. I really did like that. It's not. It doesn't make you want to throw up Like the one in the castle. We did that. We did lots of Harry Potter things because lots of kids had wands and did that whole experience and that was really neat. I don't read Harry Potter, So I don't really care. Yeah but my kids do and Ashley does, and lots of the parents and they were super excited, yeah. So I was like this must be really cool.
Speaker 2:That was me to a Harry Potter person me to you.
Speaker 3:I was like yes, i mean, i think that this is a great design.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, i was like that's cool, this you know How do you go on?
Speaker 3:ever is for the first time and you're like standing in line and you're like, oh, wow, they really thought about all of these details. Yes, that's how I felt with Harry Potter.
Speaker 2:Yes, exactly, i felt like that too. I was like, oh, this is my, this must be what it feels like in the movie. Yeah. All the design, the sets, what everything looks like a dragon, all of it. Yeah, um, we waited. we did the train over to the other side, okay, so cool, by the way.
Speaker 3:We did that.
Speaker 2:So cool, So cool like I loved that our Hagrid's was different. We waited to the end of the day to do Hagrid's. Okay, ashley was like we're not gonna get there early enough to To be able to do kind of like a rope drop Hagrid's, so we're gonna have to wait till the end of the day when the time goes down. We kept looking throughout the day and it was always like 95 plus minutes. So when we got over there it was raining it like it poured torrential downpour For an hour before we got into Harry Potter world. We go do the train, go over to Hagrid's and it still isn't opened yet from the rain. Okay, the Crowd, that. And we were there for a while. Like we kind of waited for like 20 minutes Before it had even opened up, just for it to open and the the park for that was closing at seven and it was. We were like we need to get in line at six to be able to do this. We're in line. A little before six they saw it and opened it, so it opened it. We waited there for like 45 minutes.
Speaker 2:The aggressive nature of the crowd With. We had all these children with us in the front and the people all behind us. It was crazy, absolutely crazy, the pushing that was happening, the, the people working for Universal. They are Aggressive with everyone. The way they talked to all the guests, that would not happen at Disney. That was like my one thing. I was like the way this woman is talking to us, no way would this ever happen at Disney. She was like, let me point you out of the crowd and let make sure you don't get on this ride. Like she was aggressive, like and she had a power trip. It was, it was a lot, and all the kids were very nervous. They were like what's gonna go out? there were kids, children crying. It was, it was a lot. Now We did the ride. It was great. We actually got on and I don't think that whole crowd got to do it because they shut it back down again. That's the best right I've ever been on.
Speaker 3:I Am gonna be honest with you. I don't disagree. Like I it was so well done.
Speaker 2:It was so well done. I was like I can't believe. I'm gonna say this This is the best ride I have ever been on.
Speaker 3:Yeah it was very well done. I, like I said to you before if you've never done it, don't ask for anybody to tell you what happens. No, no, in fact I said that to Scott. I was like I will not tell you what happened, i will not give you any of the lowdown. You're just gonna have to. You're just going to have to know that you're going to do it on your own. Yeah, and that's what I think and that's what I wanted to say.
Speaker 3:Where Disney? I think that where Disney and Universal are different is one Disney has a plethora of options to do. I mean a million different options to do. Universal, niles of Adventure there's not a lot to do, and so they make your time worthwhile by making the rides longer. It's like Disney is tapas and Universal is a sit-down meal, and I think that that is a great. Yes, i do not disagree.
Speaker 3:It was a very well done ride. You don't have to read Harry Potter to understand it, just like with, i think, any Disney ride. You did not have to watch Guardians of the Galaxy to understand Guardians of the Galaxy the ride. So, yeah, our Harry Potter world experience. We did Hagrid's, we did Breakfast, we did that weird ride, and I think that Reed was like I think that I don't ever want to come here ever again. He did not love it. Loran was like I don't think I want to do that again. And they both were kind of like can we leave Harry Potter world? I think that it just kind of that ride kind of they've never read or seen Harry Potter. So I think that it was a little bit aggressive for my kids who are, like me, with an overactive imagination. So Loran was like let's go to Jurassic Park World, okay.
Speaker 2:So Like, this is a little intense for us, so let's go see the dinosaurs.
Speaker 3:Let's go see the dinosaurs. Thanks, loran. So I was like how about I will keep the littles who are not little Emma is going into third grade, reed's going into second grade. I will keep them and the stroller at child swap. Y'all go ride it. I'll see you when I see you, because, lor I mean Emma and Reed there were a lot of rides that they were not tall enough to do.
Speaker 2:And.
Speaker 3:I think that that is also important for you to know. If you are traveling with your family and you have younger kids or shorter kids, you need to look at the height requirement because, it is much different than Disney, very different Disney. I mean, i'm pretty sure that you have to be. I think that there's like two rides, that you have to be 48 inches to ride in the whole world at Disney World, but at Universal Studios some of them are like 52 inches. Yeah, are you looking up Jurassic Park, the Los?
Speaker 2:Arraptor Coaster. Well, i'm just looking at the height requirements in general, because it's true There is not. It says, you know, 40 inches for some of them 34, 48 inches for revenge of the mummy. Let's look at Highlands of Adventure, because those are the big ones.
Speaker 3:Yeah 51 inches for Velocic Coaster. Yeah, so Velocic Coaster. Okay, so Lauren rides it with Laura, ann and Lillian, who? Lillian is going into sixth grade, lillian is going into fourth grade. I am like sitting with the two littles, living my best life. Lauren comes in and she's like you're riding it right now And I was like, oh, i'm not. And Lauren is like, yes, you are mommy, i loved it. And I was like what is wrong with you? What is wrong with you? And she is like she's a thrill seeker, she is her father, she has the biggest grin on her face And she's like, if you don't do it, you don't love me.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 3:I go away. You're right, i don't. Yeah, so I do it. You have to walk through a metal detector to get on this ride, like I'm going through like state prison to get on this ride. So you get on and guess where we sit? The very back, the very back, the last two seats, and Laura Ann and Emma are. I mean, laura Ann and Lillian are like high fiving each other. They're like so pumped Lap, bar lap bar Lap bar.
Speaker 2:Nothing over your shoulders, nothing over your shoulders And just so we're clear.
Speaker 3:You can see the whole track, so I know what I'm about to experience And you've probably just watched. No child swap is on the inside.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's on the inside, which was nice. Which was nice You didn't get to see. I didn't get to see.
Speaker 3:You probably wouldn't have written it if you saw it before, so, but you get to see it when you come into the line. Yes, so I've got the lap bar thing on me, you know, and I'm like, can you triple, triple check this? Let's talk about fears that I didn't have when I was 16 years old, that I now have as a mother Fears you didn't know you were going to have an experience.
Speaker 3:Yeah, i loved a roller coaster when I was 16. Not now, because I could die. So I am, and again, like you're walking through a metal detector and I'm like, why? And they're like because we don't want you to forget anything, in case it comes out, it can knock you in the head And I'm like, okay, cool, great, great, love that. I'm like I'm going to be a little bit more mature. So we go and you, it shoots you out and I don't even. I have no words. I have no words to describe. I have no words to describe that ride. You are hanging upside down at one point in time for probably the length of four houses put together, and you're just hanging and going. You're just, it's just, you're back.
Speaker 2:Over water And I think at one point I remember being on it, i think I touched the water. I think I got baptized. I was like do we go under water? Do our heads hit the water? Yeah, I was like what's the worst ride when we go upside down? I was so scared, Terrified.
Speaker 3:So scared, terrified. I could see Scott Braynett doing that right eight times in a row.
Speaker 2:No question about it, lap bar is aggressive, like that's not enough.
Speaker 3:But I get why they did it.
Speaker 2:Lap bar is not aggressive enough in terms of safety. Why?
Speaker 3:Because they wanted you to get the feeling of zero gravity. They wanted you to have that. They wanted you to hit. all of it Seems too risky to me. I a thousand percent. whoever designed that? I mean it's, it's a lot. So, that experience. Lauren got a great video picture of me And I think that, if that's no, if that, if that was the last picture of me taken, i think that it makes sense.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're going to post it on the Instagram. It was quite the journey. It was quite the journey.
Speaker 3:Yeah. And then you have my daughter in the background like, oh my God, this is the best thing ever. Oh my word, you look like you're going to die. I did die, i think. And also I think that my text is to Ashley Draper. After I got out, i sent that to Sarah and Ashley And then my text was I will ride Tower of Terror 18 times in a row with Josh Schaper before I get on this ride. Ever again, yeah, ever again.
Speaker 2:You thought you had experienced something so scary with Tower of Terror and then you got on Voss Coaster and you're like I did not know they were letting people do this.
Speaker 3:I did not know that that was alive allowed. I did not know it was legal. I think it's legal in four countries easily. So that experience was a journey to ride home on. And then we went to Dr Seuss World.
Speaker 2:Yes, thank God for Seuss Slanding. I was like I need a piece. You can't even be taller than certain inches on some of those rides.
Speaker 3:So I want to just say about Islands of Adventure, and then we can go. So there was no one there. I mean, if everybody was probably just in the Hagrid's line, but we were walking around, there were times when there was literally no one around. Yeah, now this is in the middle of the week that you went. Yes, we went on a Tuesday or maybe a Wednesday.
Speaker 2:And schools from up north weren't out of school yet. Oh, fun fact, yeah, and so it was still kind of a sweet spot.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we really hit it at a right time. The weather was nice, it was, and Lauren knew this, so we bought it. It was buy one day, get two days free. So we got that and Lauren said she was like Elizabeth, we're going to be done by lunchtime because Emma and Reed won't be able to do a lot of things and they will lose their patience. And I was like I love that, whatever you tell, i am here, you, this is great. And Reed, after Dr Seuss World, was like I haven't gotten to do very much And we were supposed to do the Hulk after that.
Speaker 3:And Lauren was like let's go, let's go do the train, let's go take them over to the other side and let's see what's happening over there. And so we did. We took the train over to the, over to Universal Studios, which you have to have the park hopper in order to do that. So we had the park hopper, we did the train, which was so cute. Yeah, that was cool, it was real. I'm not even. I don't even think that I want to talk. I don't want to talk about how they did that, but just know that it was very well done and kudos to Universal Studios. I'm very excited to see how Super Mario World turns out.
Speaker 3:Oh my gosh Seeing how they did Harry Potter.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:I really I mean again never read Harry Potter, never. I've never seen Harry Potter, neither of my kids, and I felt like I was able to understand it And so knowing Super Mario, which we all grew up with like it's gonna. They really hit the nail on the head with that one. They did a great job. So we went over to Universal Studios. We hung out in Harry Potter World over there for a minute. One of the rides was closed so we weren't able to do that ride.
Speaker 2:I guess that must be the Gringotts one.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's what's over there on the Universal side.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, we couldn't do that So we just walked in on the little stores and it was. We got Butterbeer, which was very good, yes. And then we went to Universal Studios and that was a little. There was nothing. There was really nothing to do. Despicable Me. The Express Lane Pass was an hour And so I said to the kids we're not gonna do this. And Lauren agreed and everybody was losing it. So, in the grand scheme of things, knowing that we had two extra days of tick, if we had been staying that night we would have just gone back to the hotel, swam and then gone back later.
Speaker 3:But we went home knowing that we had two more days, that we could come And Scott will probably get tickets and we'll go with him because I think that he would truly. It is a. I know we talked about this the difference between a theme park and an amusement park. Yes, scott grew up in Clover, south Carolina, which is just south of Charlotte, and Carowinds is there And it's like a. I mean it's an amusement park. It's there for the thrill, it's there for it's like a bush gardens. But Universal Islands of Adventure did have themes. Quote unquote.
Speaker 3:They did theme it out. I can also see why going with young kids is difficult.
Speaker 2:Yes, well, yeah, because Reed and Emma, they couldn't do it.
Speaker 3:And it's not that it was a problem that they couldn't do it. I think that a lot of it was just too mature for them to, even if they were old enough. I mean, like think about that one castle ride. Yeah. Emma even said Emma who has read Harry Potter, loves Harry Potter. Emma was even like I guess I'll do it today.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because it's scary. It is scary, It's intense. The revenge of the mummy ride is like that. There are a couple of rides at Universal that my friend Lauren, she and her kids and her kids are just finished fifth grade and third grade And her kids are like I don't really like these because they're a little kind of just too dark. Yeah, They're too dark and they don't really enjoy it.
Speaker 3:And I think that the maturity aspect, when we're saying that is not because of the thrill of the ride, it's more of the content of the rides and it's not that the content is inappropriate, it is. You just have things that pop out at you. You have dark areas, You have scary noises, and when you're seven and eight and even nine years old, when you're 35 years old, those things scare you all night.
Speaker 2:It's true, it is a more mature audience that is going to enjoy Universal And I'll say there were even fifth graders for the trip. I know who didn't come to Universal because of the height requirement, because you do have to be. You know, there's some of them who haven't gone through their growth spurts and they're not tall enough And what a bummer to not be able to do those rides And your friends can, and your friends can.
Speaker 2:So they didn't come. But also I do think that in terms of the darker thrill, as in scary thrill, not like there's a difference between Rise, the Resistance and Revenge of the Mummy, and there's even like a I can't remember I think there's like a King Kong ride at Universal And people are getting torn apart, you know, i mean like people are dying and everything, and so that's not something that Disney does And Universal doesn't have a problem with that, which is fine. It's just you know, know your audience.
Speaker 3:I do want to say that I've complained a lot about Disney here recently And it hasn't really been a real satisfaction, and I think that after going to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure, i want to apologize to Disney. Even when the magic was, the fairy dust was hard for them to sprinkle, they still sprinkled it out. I know that this is a very first world problem thing to say, but Disney is there for your complete experience, complete experience from start to finish. They want you to have a four seasons experience, whether you're staying at the All Star Resort or staying at the contemporary they don't care.
Speaker 3:They want your experience to be memorable, magical, whatever they can do, and you're going to spend more money that way And they have that down to a science universal, and it's everything from the appearance of the staff to how they're. Disney employees don't scowl, they don't. If you walk up to a Disney employee and they're having a conversation with another cast member, they're immediately stopping that conversation and they're going to talk to you. Universal Studios, that is not the case. There was a lot of They're there. That's their job. And I'm not saying that they weren't friendly, i'm not saying that they weren't nice. I'm just saying that it is a different training method And I'm sorry, disney, that I was hard on you. Yeah.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry. I think one of the other things is And we said this when Disney was going through all of their hiccups Disney cast members have the support of their executive leadership anytime of the day, and there's also an expectation for guests.
Speaker 3:It's kind of like rules right Like if you have rules in your classroom or at your school and you enforce your students or your children to abide by those rules, it's going to stink at first, but then, after a while, the behavior is going to change. Disney versus Universal is the same way. Disney has rules and expectations for you as an attendee, as a patron of whatever, and you have to do your dress code, their expectation of your behavior. And if you act a fool at Disney, disney is going to remove you from that situation. Period and discussion.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's no scene that's brought really like there's Now. We've seen it on the news before like different things. Yes A bra or whatever, yes, there's some sort of stupid fight or whatever, but it's amazing who comes out and takes care of it And takes care of it And you don't even know what was happening. Like five team members just gather, like cast members in suits or whatever, and then you are removed from the situation, and you are.
Speaker 3:It is done in a discussion. There's no yelling, there's no yelling. The chances of you coming back are slim to none. Yeah, and there is probably some Disney prison that you are being sent to. Yeah, and a single cast member knows that if they are put in a position to where one of the guests are acting a fool, they will have the support from upper management to handle that situation. I have a feeling that at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure, that is not the case, and it is truly an every man for themself kind of a situation.
Speaker 3:Yes, but if there is no expectation for the guests, there is no dress code for the guests. There is no, and I'm saying these things in general, i'm not saying them like the dress code is what defies it. But there is an expectation for the guests at Disney, there is not one for Universal.
Speaker 2:Yeah, i mean the fact that the team member I don't know what they call them at Universal that I did. I saw her out when we got off Hagrid's and I thanked her because I didn't like the way she was talking to everyone, but I felt like this is my first time here. Yeah, she's been here for I don't know 100 days where she has had to say do not trample my team members My team members.
Speaker 2:I was like, i mean, i was, you know, appalled by that. But then I was like, what has she been through? Yeah, she has someone working here where she has to say, do not trample my team members.
Speaker 3:And not mess around, right? And so, while it was your first experience, to your point, it was not her first video And that we're in an era where social media is prominent and people can post videos, so you know that, like the first 100 times that that happened, somebody's like taking a video of it and posting it on social media. So then, oh, i'm going, and I saw that you can do this. I'm going to do that, Yes. So I think that that is also. I think that that is where Disney was great, and I don't, i don't know, i don't know why. That's not a thing, but I do think that it also comes back to the mature content. Yes, at Disney there is, it's a lot of younger, the maturity is, it's whimsical and everything is just like chill.
Speaker 3:And I mean I say chill.
Speaker 2:There's no Tower of Terror is the scariest ride at Disney World for crying out loud My kids, because they have never been to anything that scary to get them on. Rise of the Resistance was like I mean, they have not even looked at Tower of Terror.
Speaker 3:Yeah, like they haven't even looked at it.
Speaker 2:That's a great, that's a great But like Rise of the Resistance was a little intense for them. the first time they did it, i had to bribe.
Speaker 3:I still have to bribe Reed to go on the Stormtrooper ride. Yeah.
Speaker 3:And so and in the green, and so I do think that there is something to be said about them. And again, I'm not saying mature content in a bad way, I'm just saying that it is a PG-13 rated R movie versus a GPG at best for Disney And so your audience is a little bit more. I don't know, i don't know what the right word is for that, but I will say I can see why people wait until later middle school, high school to take. I can see why Disney people wait to do that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, i totally agree 100%.
Speaker 3:But I don't regret the trip. We had a great time. Yes.
Speaker 2:And I will go again Like my like I'm not doing that.
Speaker 2:But Sydney wants to go. She loves Harry Potter, she wants to be able to go and do some of the things there. What's really did like her experience at Universal. I did have to remind her that we stayed at a hotel, also that had the limited express pass. And I will say what these hotels are really quick, just so people know Free Universal Express pass, unlimited, so you can go as many times all the, all the rides, attractions, except for Hagrid's, lowe's Royal Pacific Resort, which is where we stayed, the Hard Rock Hotel, which is where Elizabeth stayed, and then Lowe's Portofino Bay Hotel, and that's it. So there's three hotels that you can stay at and get it.
Speaker 3:There's more hotels on property. Yep, there's three that you can stay at.
Speaker 2:Now it's like okay, the Royal Pacific starts at 325 a night, I think ours, I think we paid like for all inclusive.
Speaker 3:It was like 419 taxes and it.
Speaker 2:Yeah. The Hard Rock says it starts at 372. The Portofino starts at 388. The tier above that that doesn't give you unlimited express pass, it's 210 a night. Okay, so you have to think about that like.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and express passes like $200 to $300 a person.
Speaker 3:Per ticket per day, yeah, per day, and you get, and that's. I'm glad that you said that. So we checked in on Monday and we went to the park on Tuesday. We had express passes for Monday and Tuesday, right, so we could have gone to the park on Monday, yes, but we didn't, and you also, whereas Disney I feel like Sarah, you've said this you'll take your kids to the park and you'll be like what is one thing that you have that you have to do, and you just guarantee that those are the rides that you do. Right.
Speaker 3:And then they may not, and that may be it right. You may only be able to do a few things because of how lightning lane and stuff is At universal slash islands of adventure. You can truly do everything in a day. Yes, There is no question about that. So definitely if you're going for two days or three days, two nights.
Speaker 3:You can easily do every single thing multiple times, no question about it, and just have two days in the park. Yeah, there's no question about that. I do think that you look at all, they have a lot of specials that they run for Florida residents. Like I said, by one day, get two days free, and it's the park hopper one. I want to say this real fast before we go. So the hotel TV you know how, in the hotel room at Disney there's like 15 Disney World channels.
Speaker 2:Yes, okay.
Speaker 3:Now that we've gone to a theme park that we've never been to before, i wish that they had that Universal Studios had that. They had one for Volcano Bay, which they had their like magic band for Volcano Bay. I'm like when is Disney going to adapt this? That was very like you per the video. Okay. You would sign it like you would scan in for a ride and then it was a virtual queue, then it would ding your phone or it would ding your watch to tell you when to come back to ride the ride.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's nice Per this video thing. There was nothing else that showcased the property, the hotel, the theme parks themselves. you know, things to eat, things to do, places to eat shows, etc. So I always thought that it was annoying that Disney did that and there were hotels. I was like why are we doing this? And of course you know my kids wanted to watch the whole thing a thousand times Yes. Props to Disney. I'm sorry that I criticized you. Yep Internally.
Speaker 2:We can admit when we're wrong.
Speaker 3:I will always admit when I'm wrong and a thousand percent I was wrong and I. that is something that I wish because, like I said, my kids had no idea what to expect. No idea what to expect, and I do think that that would have set that expectation for them So that is me just being annoying.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, i totally agree, like there are certain things that Universal I think does better and certain things that Disney does better. Am I my personality? Do I like Disney more?
Speaker 3:Yes, A thousand percent Yes.
Speaker 2:Like I totally understand why there are some people who just prefer Universal and people who like both, and they, you know. Have you ever been to Bush Gardens? Yes, do you know my Bush Gardens story? I grew up in Tampa, oh okay, and my summer between sixth and seventh grade. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes I spent every single day at Bush Gardens, Okay so that was Scott with Carowins. Yeah, yeah, that was my day camp.
Speaker 3:It was yes, it was only open in the summertime, or like spring, summer, and literally that's because the moms would drop them off and they would spend all day there every day. Yes, and so I do see where, like I think that when Scott goes to Universal Studios, i think that there is going to be a nostalgia for him of just going to an amusement park, right Versus the nostalgia for me of Disney World. So I can see where that is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, And if you compare, kind of like going to the back to the Express Pass for a second, you know if you are paying $400 a night, and I got it for all three of us Right. So if you're paying $400 a night, let's even say that it's, you know, $100 for each of you like for that night, but you get it for both days. So the breakdown for your Express Pass is like $50 a day for each person. The thing is, and if you have only have four people in the room at Disney, they have the Genie Plus. Now the new thing is it's Genie Plus for each park. You can do a park hopper one, or you can buy Genie Plus if you're just doing a one day pass, and it's a little less expensive for, like, animal Kingdom versus Magic Kingdom, but you have to fiddle with your phone the entire day, i will say You can't get.
Speaker 2:You may get like three or four. You know lightning lanes or fast pass I can't keep up with, however, what it's called. You may get three, but at Universal, and you're paying $27, maybe $25 a tip per ticket per day, versus $50 per ticket per day just by staying at a hotel at Universal, But you're going to get everything except Hagrid's. So it's just like I don't know. I mean, i think it's kind of equal.
Speaker 3:Like it washes out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it kind of washes out because you could. if you're in Orlando and you don't want to stay at the hotel, you could still just have a reservation, get your Express Pass and not even stay at the hotel And still just be able to have that benefit, because it's more expensive to get just the Express Pass attached to your ticket.
Speaker 3:So you might as well just get one of the hotel reservations.
Speaker 3:Yeah, i am interested to see. I do not know how to make Disney's Lightning Lane, genie Plus whatever fast pass situation better. I don't have a remedy for that And even after doing Universal Studios, disney could not do the Express Pass because they're booked up, i mean everybody. Even if they did it for the Deluxe Resorts, disney could not offer that because there's too many people And while there are so many attract, it would be like the Minions thing where the wait time for the Express Pass would be an hour. I don't know what the remedy is for Disney, but I will say the Universal Studios Express Pass experience was very convenient.
Speaker 2:Convenient, easy. You don't have to message your phone Easy breezy, beautiful cover girl. Yes, love it, Live it Live, laugh, love. Love it, live, laugh, love. All right, that's going to do it, that's it friends. For our commentary on Universal Studios.
Speaker 3:I'll be sure to report back when we're going to go again with Scott Brannock over the summer, because I think our three day or two extra days expire at the end of September. And I told him I was like we're going And he was like, as long as I'm not going to Disney World because I'm Scott the Scrooge, oh my gosh, he didn't really say that That was really annoying, all right, well, thanks so much for listening to this week and we'll try to get back to you next week.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Maybe not, though. Maybe not, though. It's summer, all right, i'll see you next week. Bye.