The Tiki Room
Join Elizabeth and Sarah while they talk about their Disney adventures including, Walt Disney World, Disney Cruise Line and more. When it comes to a Disney destination, they know how to have a magical time without all the stress. You'll get insider tips, tricks and reviews. Get the scoop on the latest ways to travel and enjoy all things Disney.
The Tiki Room
Disney Cruise Planning: Thanksgiving weekend cruise on the Disney Wish
Are you ready to uncover the secrets of the Disney Wish? We guarantee you a magical journey as we unravel everything you need to know from booking details to the enchanting on-board experiences. Join us as we venture through the deck levels, reveal the tricks to booking the perfect stateroom, and share our strategies for securing the best activities. Not to mention, our plans of indulging in delectable dining delights at Enchante and Palo Steakhouse. So, buckle up and get ready to set sail on an unforgettable Disney cruise journey!
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Hey friends, I'm Elizabeth, I'm Sarah and on today's episode of the Tiki Room we are going to be talking about my upcoming trip on the Disney Wish. I am so excited. This is a long time coming.
Speaker 2:Yes, we um when's the last time you were on a Disney cruise.
Speaker 1:I was 15 years old. Oh my gosh, I know. So, like three years ago, I um? So we were supposed to be on one of the inaugural cruises. Yes, for not the inaugural cruise, but we were supposed to go. I think it was what like May 2020. Does that sound right, I think it was for this ship.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was definitely for the ship it was for the Disney Wish, but um we, because it was supposed to open like February 2020, and then COVID happened, and then they couldn't finish the ship, or maybe it was just anyway, it doesn't matter. All I know is one we couldn't go because of COVID too. The boat wasn't done. But three we're going now, yeah, and so we are going the. And it's my family of four, yes, my dad and his wife Valerie, my sister Flynn Solo, and any single bachelors out there that want to join her Nice.
Speaker 2:Come on in.
Speaker 1:I bet there are. I bet they're definitely listening to this podcast. And my brother and his wife and their um three, almost four year old CC. So we are going on the cruise and someone is either going to die or we're all going to leave happy. It's going to be great, You're all going to leave happy.
Speaker 2:We're all going to leave happy.
Speaker 1:Um. So when we booked the trip, when we booked our original trip pre COVID, I did it because I was a travel agent and I knew that I had I had to book through somebody else, and so, um, I contacted her name is Nicole and she's actually local to Jacksonville and she is also with ears of experience, which is who I was with and, um the I. There was no reason why I picked a local person versus a non-local person. I just knew her through a friend of mine and, um, it worked out. If I needed to meet up with her, I could have done it, and so that was why I did it. Um, but Nicole took care of everything. Um, we are all staying in the deluxe ocean view, whatever it is with the balcony, like a family. Yes, the family room.
Speaker 1:Yeah, family veranda. So we all have those, which is a queen bed and then the option for a bunk bed or right there bunk bed. Um, now my dad and miss foul upgraded to the concierge room.
Speaker 2:Nice, I know.
Speaker 1:So total paid total paid move, so that gave them a king size bed.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's nice.
Speaker 1:Don't worry. I tried to tell Scott that we needed that. And he was like Elizabeth that doubles the cost of the trip and I was like I don't understand the problem here Come on A king size bed. It'd be so happy, I'd be so happy. So, um, but that allowed booking. So I am like a whatever the base. So Disney cruise, if you have. It's like a reward system I don't know if that's the right word like Chick-fil-A. Think about Chick-fil-A. Right, I'm basically a board member of Chick-fil-A. That's how many points I have.
Speaker 2:Um, but how many nights a week does that require? You think?
Speaker 1:Chick-fil-A. Yeah, oh, doesn't matter. Sarah, very rude question. Um so Disney does, disney cruise does. If you've been on any cruise before in your life, you're automatically a silver. And then if you've been on like let's I'm making up numbers let's say it's 25, then you're a gold, let's say it's 50, then it's silver.
Speaker 2:And if you've been on over a hundred of your platinum and so they added one, because there were people that were going on to many places. They added pearl. Oh my, word. I know, I know I should look that up. What, what, what it is, but it is, you're right. As soon as you go on one, you're in the castaway club, so I am automatically in the castaway club, because I went on one when I was nine and 15.
Speaker 1:It's awesome, so you're welcome children, brainic children, for setting this legacy up for you. You are now castaway members Also. It's got brain, so are you so? Um? So what that does is it allows excursion booking dates prior. So let's say a standard person gets to book 150 days out, um a or 60 days out. A silver person gets to book 75 days out, a gold gets to book 90 days out, and then it. So it staggers up like that and I think that the platinum or I guess now the pearl gets, let's say it's a, let's say that's a hundred days out. So does concierge. So if you are not that level, then you get concierge. So that is why dad did it, so it allowed one they have a concierge club, but two, he could book things before everybody else.
Speaker 2:Now. So let me tell you what each level are. I just tell me so silver member. Silver member is after completing one sailing.
Speaker 1:So that you had two. Yeah, so really cool.
Speaker 2:Yeah, gold member is after completing five sailings.
Speaker 1:Let's go. So you're close. I am like halfway there.
Speaker 2:Okay, platinum is after completing 10 sailings. Okay. I'm not halfway there, listen, but you could get there. Challenge accepted. And then pearl is after completing 25. Wow, so I think easy. People love cruising so much. Yeah, especially Disney cruise. They, that's what they do every year.
Speaker 1:Yeah Times a year.
Speaker 2:I remember talking to a lady at Disney and her child was already a plat, a pearl member, because that was how many they went on.
Speaker 1:Yeah, as a family.
Speaker 2:That's how many they had gone on. They went on like a couple of cruises a year.
Speaker 1:It includes everything right. So, like Caribbean, Alaska, Barcelona, I don't know you could go to the Mediterranean.
Speaker 2:You could go all kinds of places, but I think, especially when you live in Florida, if you live close to a port, it's really easily accessible.
Speaker 1:Yes, and so that that's what I was going to say. So we are leaving out of Port Canaveral, okay, and we are actually going to head to Port Canaveral. The Brannock family is heading to Port Canaveral on Thursday, thanksgiving Thursday, and we're spending the night. And then I think that, because Nicole, our travel planner, is working I don't know if we have a, I think, friday of this week we get to set our check-in time, but since we are with my dad, we were able to get some things together.
Speaker 1:So like we may be able to get check-in time together, which would be 11 am, and there were some reservations that we were dining, reservations that we were able to do. So that is how we booked and that is why we booked what we booked. We did not do adjoining rooms, because there is no part of me that wants to adjoin with my siblings period. But you can, there are people who will get in adjoining room and they'll get it where the balconies can connect?
Speaker 2:Yes, we did that when we were on the train. Oh, that's right. Yeah, we had connecting balconies.
Speaker 1:I would connect with you and it was great.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was great. What like deck?
Speaker 1:are you on? That's a great question. Let me look at my plans.
Speaker 2:Because you know they have. I think they have 10 decks for state rooms and the you know, the higher the deck. Oh, here we are.
Speaker 1:We're on floor nine, floor nine. Okay, yes, you're right, and I will say to that point, this was not important to us. But there are people and I can imagine if you're taking a Disney cruise to Alaska or if this is your big family trip and you are from like Minnesota and you don't know what the Bahamas are whereas we see, like the Bahamas when we go to the beach.
Speaker 1:That's not true, that was an exaggeration, but but people will book. You can pick your state room. Yes, you pick your state room. It is not assigned to you. You pick it and people will find out where the ship will be facing when they come into port. Oh, wow, yes. And so they'll pick which side of the boat they wanna be on. So if you are planning a Disney cruise and that is important to you when you go into port, that you can either you don't wanna look or you do wanna look pay attention to those things and you can look. I mean, that is on all of the Disney blogs and I'm actually pretty sure it's on One. If you have a travel professional, they'll tell you. But yeah, so that is where we're staying. We're on the ninth floor. Like I said, dad has the concierge, so he has. I think that they're Smoke stack, right? Yeah, I wish I priced that out. So the smoke stack room, Sarah, is like I tried Y'all. I tried real hard, I know. For whatever reason I was shot down.
Speaker 2:I don't even understand. I know man come on For a three night cruise.
Speaker 1:That's the two, but it's a two story. It's like 1400 square feet. Yes, it was $28,000. Wow, and my dad said no, what a jerk, what a jerk. Also, my husband said no, I was like we can split it 50-50. Come on, and both of them were like no.
Speaker 2:I'm like man, you guys are really crushing my Disney dreams.
Speaker 1:Really real jerks over here. So okay, so let me go back. I wanna go back to the booking things. So the Brannick family we get to book I think that we're let's say it's 100 days out, maybe it's 100, silver members get to book 120 days out.
Speaker 2:Well, you're, how many days from the cruise? Does it have like a? It does.
Speaker 1:It always has a countdown 92 days from the cruise, so maybe we're 90 days Because it's-. It's in two days, she'll book you. Yes, okay, okay, good call. Sorry, pate is 120 days out, so the Brannick family gets to book their things 90 days out. We have requested two of the nights to do the adult dining. My daughter wants to do Bippie Boppie Boutique with her cousin I know so sweet and Scott and I wanted to do the mixology.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Yes, we're gonna get shmammered.
Speaker 2:Is it just you and Scott?
Speaker 1:No, this is the whole gang.
Speaker 2:Yes, Is that great? That's gonna be fun. It's gonna be great.
Speaker 1:I can't wait to hang out with my siblings.
Speaker 2:Where are you guys gonna go for adult dining? What restaurants are you Both of them, okay.
Speaker 1:And they are called Don't Ask and Don't Tell. I have no idea what they're called.
Speaker 2:They are called Enchante.
Speaker 1:There it is, see.
Speaker 2:And Palo Steakhouse.
Speaker 1:I'm so glad you didn't put that in front of my face and say, please tell me what this is called. Yes, so we were only gonna do one night. And Emily Dostie told me she's like well, and Chris, they were both like, no, do both night, do both the restaurants. So we requested that and I think we have the 545 dining. So when you book your cruise they give you a dining time. Okay, 545 is our dining time, which is great. So on the nights that we have adult dining, our kids, we will feed our kids at 545. We'll sit there, we'll eat with them, they'll have the dining experience and then we will put them, send them to Kids Club, right, and then we'll go to the eight o'clock seating at the nice restaurant Awesome, I know that's so good.
Speaker 1:So we're very. That was a very good call on our part. So those are the four and I think Are you gonna fall asleep? Definitely, I was like Scott, I gotta get it.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna have to get a snack. You're gonna have to get some coffee at five o'clock.
Speaker 1:That's what you're gonna have at the 545 seating and a snack yes, a snack and a coffee. A thousand percent yes, so that. And then I think that we also booked a massage. So we're gonna find we're going to the Bahamas and the Brannock family has zero desire to get off the boat and go to Nassau. So we are just gonna stay on the boat. That's a good call.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we did that when we were on the dream and you really get the ship to yourself.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yes.
Speaker 2:Very, very low crowds.
Speaker 1:And all the clubs are open. It is so the kids can do whatever they wanna do. We can do whatever we wanna do, so that is so. Those are the things that we needed to book. My dad did concierge because Ms Val wanted a cabana for when we go to Castaway K Key.
Speaker 2:Key. Yep, there it is, but I bet. I bet because he's concierge. It was not hard to get a cabana.
Speaker 1:So that's where the catch is. It was hard Really. They did not get one. So the cabana there's like 15 on the whole island. There's not a lot. And, like I said, concierge gets first pick. And our sweet travel agent she scheduled the email to be sent right at 12.01. Wow, so when they got it they would have been the first to email. You know, it's like 15 is not very many.
Speaker 2:No, and if you think about it, there's yes, and there's probably 40 concierge rooms.
Speaker 1:So it is what it is, but he had allowed us the other benefits of checking in early and I think that we were able to get mixology because he did it with, because he was a part of that with us, so, but anyway, so.
Speaker 2:So your other dining reservations too? Yes, like the adult dining. Yes, I'm sure that's kind of hard to get in.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And so if you're able to book with him, then he could. That is a very nice benefit, is that if at least one person is staying concierge. So that's something that people should consider. Is that not everybody? Yes, it's kind of like having an annual pass.
Speaker 1:Well, and that's what I was gonna say. And they may not be able to guarantee everything, and that's what Nicole told us. She's like Elizabeth, I cannot guarantee it. I'm just gonna request it Because what's the worst thing? That they can say no. So that's what she did with everything. She was like I'm just gonna see if I can book it under him and say that they, y'all are in the same party. And so it did. It worked out. That really worked out well.
Speaker 2:I always tell people when they're considering going on a big trip, a big Disney world trip. If it's a lot of days, I said consider someone getting an annual pass, because you can get discounts on dining, you can get free parking. There's a lot of just perks to having the annual pass of one person. Gets the annual pass and you're having that many. If you're going for a week, just get a weekday annual pass one person and you get all of the perks.
Speaker 2:So your dad having the concierge, it's like you don't really. I mean, would it be nice if you had a concierge room, a king-size bed, it would be lovely, but you still get to benefit from the perks.
Speaker 1:I mean technically there's three twin beds in there, so Scott can sleep on the other twin beds. That's true, that's fine. So we also learned that on the cruise ships you can bring one bottle of wine per adult.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And it's like a case of beer, I think, or a case of beer, there's something like that. There's a rule. So you know, scott Brannick is very happy about that.
Speaker 2:I think it's like one bottle of wine per day. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yes, you're right, I think it's per day. Yeah, and you have to check it in. You cannot try to sneak it in. There's no additional charge for it. I think that there may be a mortgage fee for the restaurant If you bring it into the restaurant, which we will do. But you know, scott Brannick was here for that. Right, he wants to bring his wine. That guy loves his wine.
Speaker 1:Ok, so here are the things that the Brannick family is very much so looking forward to the Walt Disney World Theater and watching the plays. That's going to be amazing. So I was very nervous about this because the times are weird, yes, and Nicole was like you can go to the afternoon, because I was like, oh, we're going to do dinner and then the show, and she was like you're going to have to do the afternoon matinee. Ok, so we'll go to the matinee and then we'll take the kids to dinner. But I'm very excited. Both of the kids are very excited about that. I'm very excited about the adult only lounges. Yes, the Star Wars lounge, I'm pretty sure. Actually, I'm more excited about the Bios, the Bayou, the Tierra lounge, the Tiana lounge oh, I didn't even know about that. Yes, so I Benye's, that's really what I'm going to say. So another thing when we were booking the massage, nicole said do you want a? I think it's called the senses room.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so almost every cruise ship, most cruise ships, have a spa. The one at Disney, for Disney is called senses spa. Yes, and they have it's adult only. Yes, and just going, and you could even just get the package to be in that room, the rainforest room.
Speaker 1:Yes, the rainforest room. That's what I was going to say to you. So I, if you're from Jacksonville, then you're familiar with Pana Vita spa, which, whether you get a massage or a body wrap or a pedicure, you get to utilize the entire spa for the whole year yeah or a haircut. Or a haircut, which I had totally done before, yes, and so you get the. I love that journey for you.
Speaker 2:I did. I got a haircut and I went to the spa for the rest of the day. It was lovely.
Speaker 1:I love it and there's no additional fee. So you get at Pana Vita, you get the pool, you get the room, you know, with this jacuzzi or the hot tub and this anyway. So they have the rainforest room and you can buy. You used to be able to buy just a day pass, now you have to buy it for the whole trip.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:So Ms Val and my sister and Stephanie did not want a massage. So I asked them do you want that? And all of them were like if it was just for a day I'd say yes, Right, but since it's not, since it's the whole thing, they didn't want to do it. But I wanted to read, but I don't know how to search because I don't know if you know me or not, but I'm technologically challenged. I wanted to read what it all included, because I know that there are people who are a little bit like they don't love a massage, they don't love a spa treatment, but they do love a spa experience. I think that there is. There's the sauna. How did you find that? I just looked it up, Not on the app. So I was just so everybody knows On the app, the Disney Cruise app, which essentially tried to kick me out. I do wish it was a little bit more user friendly.
Speaker 2:Like, give me a search bar people. Well, if you go down to no, I am on the app, I am on the app. Go down to explore, ok, and then you can look. For if you go, scroll all the way down, oh I'm on entertainment.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, Scroll all the way down and you should be able to look for spa. I am so dumb. I was like there is way more to do than that. Ok, here we are. Ok, there is a fitness center.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm good, I was just going to be there doing yoga every morning 6 AM.
Speaker 1:Every single day. I'm going to do it on the smokestack. Ok, so the sanctuary for the senses senses spas. What is happening here, everyone?
Speaker 2:Well, if you look at a sanctuary for the senses, you can see they have different kind of categories of things that are available.
Speaker 1:Massage spa. Oh, here we go. Additional amenities. No, that's not it. Hold on, I'm going to Google this Disney-wesh. There it is. Thank you everyone. This blog starts by saying we spent our Nassau Port Day in the spa. Wow, what a nice. That's a good idea. Journey for them. Yes, the rainforest room my personal favorite spot to relax and unwind is the rainforest room. Day passes for the length of the cruise can be purchased. This indoor area features heated lounges, fountains, roma therapy steam room, a dry sauna and a drassana and a calming pool.
Speaker 2:The heated loungers don't.
Speaker 1:Look at these swing things.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, listen, the heated loungers. I haven't been on one. I haven't been to the Disney spa area, but we just did a celebrity cruise last year and we did gut massages. I thought, a heated lounger, who cares? I'm from Florida. You put a lounge chair out in the sun and there you go, you got a heated lounger. Okay, listen, do not fall asleep. Oh, stop it. That heated lounger is for real. Those spas, they are amazing. I could have taken a nap for the whole day.
Speaker 2:You're going to love those You're going to love those Listen.
Speaker 1:I drive around my car with my heated seats on. Yes, I believe that.
Speaker 2:Because I am so old.
Speaker 1:I do want to know what the calming pool is. Do you think I can throw my kids in there and calm them down? Oh, that would be amazing. I'm just kidding everyone. So you can buy that pass and I will say if you have older children, or if you have kids who are just going to do their own thing, I would absolutely recommend that. If you are going on an adults-only excursion, oh for sure, I would absolutely invest in that pass.
Speaker 2:There are people that we met on our cruise, that we went into the adult-only lounge one night on the Disney Dream.
Speaker 1:You're talking about the drink night. I mean the drink lounge. The drink lounge. Okay, sorry.
Speaker 2:The bar, okay, and they only cruise Disney. They don't have any children, they're adults. They only cruise Disney. They just do all the adult-only things.
Speaker 1:I told you that my mom, who was anti she was anti-Disney. She supported my dad. What a great wife. Yes, great, good job, mom Sacrifice. So mom did not love a Disney experience. My mom did not love a Disney trip, disney park. She is like a, she's not interested in Disney parks.
Speaker 1:She and my husband. They were the same person. She would have told you a million times over that she would have picked a Disney cruise over any other cruise ship. Yes, in the whole wide world, and she went on a seaborn cruise. She's been on a princess cruise and she was like it.
Speaker 2:Just she's been on adult-only cruises before and she'd rather go on a Disney cruise.
Speaker 1:She was like the Disney cruise was to your point it was. I think that a lot of it was the quality of people.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:There was the quality of people, the staff. You didn't have hooligans running around and, to your point, the adult-only places were phenomenal. And it's not. There's not Mickey Mouse walking in the adult-only pool, right, right.
Speaker 2:I mean he could. I guess that's what those people were saying. They were like listen, we love the quality of the service. Yes, everything is top-notch and it's not like we don't like children or anything, but just we just go to the adult-only area and it is a really nice adult experience and there are plenty of things that are just for adults there. They have adult-only pools, they have adult-only lounges, adult-only dining. Yes, on the island of Castaway Quay there's an adult-only section of the island.
Speaker 2:Yes. So if you're an adult and you're like I do want to do a cruise, but I'm not going to take kids, I know that it kind of seems like, well, why in the world would you take a Disney cruise? I mean, if you want an adult-only experience, you can still have that on a Disney cruise.
Speaker 1:Right and it's not. It is not a. I think you would be very pleased with the experience.
Speaker 1:I think, that you could maybe even say five-star. Yes, maybe, maybe, maybe. I'll report back to you on that one, but it is a, I will say so. My kids said so, can we just go to the pool whenever we want? And I said, no, right, I said, okay, I cannot, this is not your rodeo. Yes, so if you are traveling with children and you're like, oh, I'll just put them in the cub's den and they can take care of you know, the kid's corner or whatever. Now, if you have a 16-year-old, I think that's a different story, but my kids are seven and eight.
Speaker 1:No, your kids are not seven and eight they're eight, and nine they're eight, and nine.
Speaker 2:Okay, marcy, when you were supposed to go on the cruise they were about seven and eight, like very fast, but really six and seven.
Speaker 1:But now, they are older. Yes, but I'm not going to let my children just go to the pool whenever they want to go to the pool, right, and I don't think that Disney would allow that. No, I don't think they would either.
Speaker 2:They would frown upon that if they're that young. Yes, now Westlin's age, you know. If she's with another like cousin or friend who was her age, she's about to be 12. I would probably let her walk around and do some of those like kids kind of things which you would have they do have. I think in the rooms they still have those phones.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's what I was going to say to you. Okay, so they have a basically like a magic band, and for the children it has, like, I will set up the accounts on the magic band so if they're scanned, they can then see who their parents are. Okay, gotcha, what room they're in yes.
Speaker 1:So they can have a spa appointment right then and there. Or if we're in the middle of, if there is a scheduled thing that we're on, it'll notify. It'll say like this is where they are, here's their second contact, or whatever. So we got all of the magic. All of us have the magic bands. If my kids are in kids corner and they want to leave, they can. They'll go up to a counselor and say, can you call my parents? And they can. I don't know how it happens. I don't know if, like, my magic band is going to start ringing, but it may also be my phone or on your app.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I could get a notification from the app.
Speaker 1:Now, our friend, ashley Draper and I think you told us told me this too, sarah, because my kids don't have cell phones, and Ashley recommended getting an old phone that can connect to wifi and giving it to the kids so that they can communicate with you on the app. I don't know if that's something that I'm going to do I still haven't decided that but that is an option for you If you're like well, what if my kid needs me and I don't know? So, one, they can reach out to you, they being the council, you know the staff members. But two, there are options for your children. Yes, if that's what you want to do, I don't, I don't know. If that's, I don't, I think that I'm going to let my kids figure it out their first time and then, if we go on another cruise, then I would do that. I think that that's where I fall in that category.
Speaker 2:There is an option if you have older kids and they will have a phone. That is basically you know. It's only activated wifi. Like you said, there's a messaging abilities within the app to be able to message back and forth to your party.
Speaker 1:What you're saying? That this phone is in your room. What are you saying? Or you're saying bring the phone. Bring the phone. Oh, I see, Download the app.
Speaker 2:You'll be able to message within the app. Okay, that's what we did on the celebrity cruise. Westlin had an old phone and she would message us if she was leaving us. Now we were kind of all together a lot of the time, but if she was going with her older cousin somewhere then she would. She liked it. She could take pictures on it. There's not really anything else on those devices, on those phones, because they are. They don't work anymore.
Speaker 2:They don't work with wifi, but she could take pictures on it and then be on that app to be able to message us. So that was good. But Sydney and Lauren, I wouldn't give one to Sydney. I don't think she'd lose it. She's not really interested in that. But the magic band thing, that would be a good idea.
Speaker 1:So in that, I think obviously you're able to access your room with it. Now, speaking of the rooms, this is, if you are new to a Disney cruise, then you're like me, where you didn't know that the magnet, the magnet game, where people put, they get custom magnets for their room, for their door, so that you Wanted for kids to know that that's our room. Yes, I've also heard that maybe if you were over served and you needed to find your way back, that's how you figure it out.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's great.
Speaker 1:So we actually ordered ours. That was fun. We went on Etsy and my. It'll be my son's birthday while we're on the cruise ship, so we got him a birthday cake, one to put on the door. That's awesome. And then they all picked character stockings With their name on it, and then I think that for my niece and my brother and sister-in-law they picked bluey, cuz CC loves bluey.
Speaker 1:I love that and then for Paul Bodn, miss Val, they got a Make a Christmas mini and Mickey. And then for my sister they got Christmas Daisy, and I'm pretty sure that there I got her another one, that is One of the princesses in a martini glass.
Speaker 2:I love that. Yeah so that's the thing that you should know about the cruise that Elizabeth Is going on. It is it? Oh yeah, the day after Thanksgiving. So it seems like, oh, it's a regular cruise because it's around Thanksgiving. No, it's the merry time, it's a very merry time Christmas. Yeah so you get to have a whole holiday, christmas experience.
Speaker 1:Here's the question Do I set up my Christmas tree before we leave?
Speaker 2:That's a good question, oh.
Speaker 1:I've already told Scott it's happening, yeah, and he told me I was crazy and I said but you knew what you married.
Speaker 2:That is me, that that is. He's having nightmares. He's Christmas is gonna start.
Speaker 1:November, first in our house, lee, why did I find this woman? Yes, so we are doing that. I don't know anything about the very merry cruise and I'm gonna be honest with you I'm kind of excited to have zero expectations. Yes, I feel like that's really been my journey for the past year and a half.
Speaker 2:I I am so excited for you. I'm mostly excited for you because I've been taking notes. For me things. Yeah, for what you'll be doing, because I might want to pop in at some of the things.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, Are you gonna? Are you gonna come because? Are you gonna the cruise to? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, are you so excited?
Speaker 2:So my oh my gosh, my sister, my sister's family and I and my, my parents it's our year to be together for Thanksgiving with my nephew, who lives, like most of the year in town Passey and oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah. So my sister's daughters are Young. They're probably the youngest is around CC's age. She just turned four, stop it. And then the her older daughter is gonna be 7 in December and she has been waiting so long to do a Disney cruise. She's been really wanting to go wait, what's your room number?
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh and my mom has been waiting for our youngest in our family, charlie who's who's for to be old enough so that they can enjoy doing a Disney cruise. She think it was fun, so we were trying to figure out what to do for Thanksgiving and my sister really wanted to go. So that's what we're doing.
Speaker 1:Oh, my gosh I am. So what room number are you in?
Speaker 2:We're on deck six, okay, and I can't remember. Oh, so my parents my stepdad is is Disabled, so we had to make sure he had a handicap room. So I don't know which floor they're on, but most of us and there were only so many handicap rooms On the cruise ship. So you should know that if you're planning a cruise and you have somebody is disabled in your family, they are only on certain decks and on certain areas of the ship. So I don't know where they are exactly. I think they might be on deck nine or ten, oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:My sister and I are on deck six with our families.
Speaker 1:Laura and is going to. Can we get the drapers to go? How did drapers Ashley draper listen to?
Speaker 2:this right now. I know I was like I really want to see if the drapers will go to and I've been waiting until we record this episode.
Speaker 1:I am so happy. I think that I'm I'm still in shock. I'm not telling my kids. I'm gonna let them listen to this. Oh my gosh, yes, I.
Speaker 2:Should let them I've. We haven't even told our kids they're going.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Yes. So when I, when I called Nicole to book our cruise, I thought you guys were going on the week long cruise. Oh, the one that was the longer wish, because I was thinking you were going to be on the cruise ship on Thanksgiving. So I said, well, that's a bummer, we won't see them. But like we'll be able to kind of compare contrast.
Speaker 2:So I called Nicole and I was like Nicole, my family really wants to do this cruise. I know it's super late in the game, but we finally decided what we want to do. My sister is really would like to do this. Her youngest is four. We kind of left it in her court like we were. We had been on a Disney cruise, we've been on a celebrity cruise, and we told my sister listen, you pick, you've never been on one. Your kids are, you know, are at the ages where you it needs to be kind of your decision. And she was so excited to do it. So when I told Nicole, can you book this cruise for us? She was like, oh my gosh, you know this is the one that Elizabeth.
Speaker 1:I'm texting her right now and I was like I.
Speaker 2:I was like I did not know that. I thought they were going on the week long cruise and she was like no, this is the exact one, and her head was gonna explode.
Speaker 1:Best bomb just dropped right now.
Speaker 2:She was freaking out. She was like all right, I need to know all your things, because we are cast away club members too, because we had been on one, so we also get to book at the same day. So she's gonna have to book all of our stuff on the same time at midnight.
Speaker 1:She just responded back. I am dying, I am freaking out. Wait, I just made a note. I'm sorry to interrupt you. No, I just made a note and I think that this is important on why you said to wait on the age, because there is the age limit for the kids corner.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a small world. Nursery is for babies.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's for ages like two and younger, but you have to have a reservation for that and you can do it on the day of like you don't have to preplan it, right. But you can't just like pop in or you could if it's not crowded, but you have to pay by the hour, right. And then, ages three and up, it's, you're basically included in it's. You know daycare, so you're included in it.
Speaker 2:Yes, it is. Let me see here. So I love my kids. Excuse me, my kids will be very excited because it'll be a little bit different about from the Disney dream. The Disney wish is different from the Disney dream. They will be most excited because if they get to see your kids. So here's here it is. It's a small world. Nursery is infants six months to three years. The Ocean ear club is an ocean ear lab is three years to 12, and then the edge is 11 to 14. Vibe is 14 to 17. And then I think that's so important.
Speaker 1:I love that they broke up like West Lincoln still being the kids club. But if she wants to go to the youth club she can, but she's not also with like juniors in high school. That's right.
Speaker 2:That's what I felt most comfortable with is, you know, she's not, it's not just like 12 and up. I said you know my kids liked it was. It was kind of hard for them on the last Disney cruise with the kids clubs just because it was so crowded, but I thought maybe it'll be great because Sydney's going to have, she's going to see Laura and I in the same thing, and so maybe they, they will not ever want to leave, I, they're going to they're going to want to do everything.
Speaker 1:Can we get the matching outfit? Yeah, yeah, chambers and Reader are going to set the cruise ship on fire. Yeah, no question about it.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, I want Cece and Charlie. Yes To meet each other.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, I cannot wait. I need to stop playing on my phone. I'm like ready to text everyone.
Speaker 2:But so yes, you should know it does get crowded in those kids clubs but they are really fun and I think on the Disney wish it is a little bit bigger than the Disney dream and they have some different things that I've noticed when I was doing Some of the research for the kids clubs. But you should know that, like Elizabeth said, the edge is 11 to 14, but they can also if you're 12, like my daughter will be 12.
Speaker 1:Same exology.
Speaker 2:That's what she wants us to do. She can also do the Oceaneer Club. Her cousin is older, he's 13. So he can't really do the Oceaneer Club, so she might go with him a lot.
Speaker 2:But because I said, oh well, you know chambers has. I told us a lot and I said, well, chambers will have Sarah, Ellen, and then Weston will have Ethan. But Sydney always just kind of gets like lost in the mix. She's like she's, she's, he was like Sarah, sydney's gonna have Laura and she's never going to come back to us again. I know.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 2:I said that's right. So yes, I haven't waited for a week.
Speaker 1:I just want you to know, scott, cause, are you joking right now? I said, no, I go, I go, don't worry. Now, remember when? Do you all remember when we went to the Ritz-Garoldon? Yes, and we ended up on the same weekend and Scott was like don't leave me to hang out with your friends. He goes, I swear to God, if you leave me. I said, don't worry, Scott.
Speaker 2:No, it'll be great. We're both there with our families, our extended families. It's gonna be wonderful, it's gonna be great, but I can't just wait to have so fun like be on the same ship. Yeah, and we'll get to. We're gonna have different experiences.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Like you'll do stuff at R2 and I'll do stuff that you want to and you'll be able to kind of come back.
Speaker 1:But we will both do the tube slide water.
Speaker 2:We will both be on the Aquamouse together Together probably.
Speaker 1:Wait a second. Can we get matching? Can we get the girls matching shirts? Yes, I okay. There we go. Laura Ann, reed, sydney, wesleyan and Chambers. Oh my gosh, what we're telling you is that we are all going to be on a Disney cruise together. Yes, oh my gosh, I'm so excited.
Speaker 2:I'm so excited.
Speaker 1:Are you ready to meet my whole family? I'm so here for it, are you? I'm excited. My brother's weird, my husband's weird. Tell me Lawton can talk about football.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm like my husband's weird.
Speaker 1:He yeah, JP and Lawton can talk about all the football stats ever in the history of the whole entire world. It's gonna be amazing. It's gonna be amazing, yes, and then my sister's weird. I'm so excited, I'm so excited. I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so excited, and then my sister's weird. But just to be clear, I'm not. I'm not weird at all. Yeah, yeah, oh, my gosh, this is the best, that's it All right.
Speaker 2:That's all we have for you for this week's episode of the HIKI RYM. The bomb of the Disney cruise will be on in 92 days.
Speaker 1:Also, did you love how it took me like 75 minutes to figure out what you were saying to me. You were like so I can come in and I'm like will you face me? Is there like a live feed? I was trying to figure out how I was gonna tell you. I was like how?
Speaker 2:am I gonna tell her this? That was a great, that was great.
Speaker 1:That was 10 out of 10 recommend Awesome. So what is better the surprise of Sarah telling me this or me telling her I was going to Universal Studios?
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, I don't know. This that was pretty amazing. You go in Universal. Studios. I think was a shock for everybody.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think I'm still recovering from it. All right, friends, all right, thank you so much. Yes, y'all have a great week.
Speaker 2:We'll talk to you next time. Bye, bye.